Thursday, October 31, 2013


This year for Halloween, Clara dressed up as a pirate princess, Ashlyn was a fairy dancer, and Owen was a lion.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Autumn Leaves

We always get a lot of leaves in our back yard.  Once again, the girls loved watching us rake them up into a big pile and then jumping in them.

Pumpkin Patch

We made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch.  The girls loved doing the small hay maze and picking out their own pumpkins.  And they had a lot of fun painting the pumpkins when we got home.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Owen's First Haircut

Owen's hair was getting out of control, so we gave him a haircut.  It was kind of sad to see the curls go, but he looks so much more handsome (and older) now.




We attended a wedding for Aubree's niece in Logan. Clara was so excited to go to the temple, and she was especially excited when she got to help carry the train of the dress.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Halloween at Lagoon

Lagoon is open during the Halloween season, and they have some mazes and "spook houses" made just for kids.  We went several times, and the girls loved it every time.

Straw Maze

Jeff took Clara and Ashlyn on separate daddy-daughter dates to a straw maze.  The girls loved the maze!

Ashlyn at the top of the straw pyramid and slide.

The girls loved the funny mirrors.

Throughout the maze were hidden various hole punches. If you found them all and punched all of the spaces on your card, you got a prize.  Clara was insistent that we find them all -- even though we had to go though the maze four or five times to do it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Jeff's family has a tradition of going to the circus most years when it comes to town.  This year, the whole family made it for the circus. As always, the circus was really entertaining.  Clara's favorite act was the dogs that did tricks, and Ashlyn's favorite act was the elephants.